

“A coup has been carried債務協商申請書 out. We will resist and we invite the people to resist with us,” Paraguayan Senator Desiree Masi from the opposition Progressive Democratic Party said.

銀行私人貸款“Democracy is not conquered or defended with violence and 整合負債貸款you can be sure this government will continue to put its best effort into maintaining order in the republic,” he said. “We must not allow a few barbarians to destroy the peace, tranquility and general well-being of the Paraguayan people.”

Thousands of businesspeople and government officials descended on Asuncion this week for the Inter-Amer貸款買車ican Development Bank’s annual board of governors’ meeting.

However, protests and riots continued in other parts of Asuncion and elsewhere in the country well into銀行借錢買車 the night, media reported.

Instability in the 銀行信用瑕疵貸款nation of 6.8 million is a concern for its much larger neighbors Brazil and Argentina.

Several politicians and journalists were inju貸款試算表excelred, local media reported, and Paraguayan Minister of the Interior Tadeo Rojas said several police were hurt.

新車車貸利率多少ALLY: Firefighters managed to put out the flames after demonstrators left the Congress, which was built with a US$20 million grant from the Taiwanese gover貸款代辦公司nment

Others, including Colombia and Venezuela, have changed their constitutions to give sitting presidents a chance at re-election.

Police in riot gear fired tear gas and rubber bullets.

Paraguay’s measure would apply to future presidents and Cartes, a soft-drink and tobacco mogul elected to a five-year term in 2013.彰化借錢管道

One member of the lower house of Congress, 買車貸款利率who had been participating in protests that afternoon, underwent surgery after being hit by rubber bullets.

According to Paraguayan media, the Congress building was constructed with a US$20 million grant from Taiwan. Paraguay is Taiwan’s only ally in South America.

Cartes called for calm and a re循環理財貸款jection of violence in a statement released on義務役貸款 Twitter.

Protesters on Friday stormed and set fire to the Paraguayan Congress after the senate secretly voted for a constitutional amendment that would allow Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes to遠東信貸條件 run for re-election.

/ Reuters, A買車貸款試算S農地持分貸款UNCION

The unr債務整合銀行est coincides with a rare high-level international event in the landlock結婚基金借貸ed South American nation.

Firefighters managed to control the fla債務協商會註記多久mes after protesters left 彰化借錢網the Congress building late on Friday night.

While Paraguay long suffered from political uncertainty, the soy and beef-exporting nation has been attracting investment in agriculture and manufacturing sectors in recent years as Cartes offered tax breaks to foreign investors.

The nat債務協商流程ion’s constitution has prohibited re-election since it was passed in 1992 after a brutal dictatorship fell in 1989.

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said it was monitoring the events.

“I call on political leaders to avoid inciting violence and seek dialo微型創業鳳凰貸款gue,” commission representative for South America Amerigo Incalcaterra said.

The Paraguayan Senate earlier on Friday voted during a special session in a closed office rather than on the senate floor. Twenty-five lawmakers voted for整合負債各家銀行利率 the measure, two more than the 23 required for passage in the 45-member upper chamber.

Opponents of the measure, who said it would weaken Paraguay’s democratic institutions,債務整合公司 said the vote was illegal.

The proposal requires approval by the Paraguayan Chamber of Deputies, where it appeared to have辦車貸條件 strong support.

整合負債是什麼A vote whi銀行信貸流程ch had been expected early yesterday was called off until the situation ca新竹借款l銀行貸款利率比較med down, Paraguayan Chamber of Deputies President Hugo Velazquez said.

Several Latin American countries, including Paraguay, Peru and Chile, prevent presidents from running for consecutive terms in a region where memories of dictatorships remain ripe.


Earlier, TV footage showed protesters breaking windows of the Congress building and clashing with police, burning tires and removing parts of fences around the building.

Additional債務更生條件 reporting by CNA



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